Budding artists and their carers are encouraged to explore art-making and creative play through events, programs and workshops developed especially for children aged 0 – 12 years.

Code of Origin - Round 2 featuring Bunjil Place
It’s time to discover what makes each state and territory of Australia unique in Code Club Australia’s newest project release. Each school term, will see 4 new coding projects being released where two states or territories will verse each other in a coding challenge. The Scratch projects will come with instructions to create the games and teach coding concepts while encouraging everyone to add their own unique style.
This term Victoria will go against Western Australia. The clubs have access to 4 new coding projects to explore new coding skills while learning about our Australian states (and Bunjil Place is featured!)
Will you take a road trip around the state or try making some pop art?

Plan your visit
From opening hours and food options to parking and accessibility information, here’s everything you need to know in one convenient place.