Mental Health 101

Mental Health 101: Stress and Anxiety


7.00 pm - 8.30 pm


90 minutes


Bunjil Place Studio

Mental health does not discriminate. It's about being cognitively, emotionally and socially healthy in the way we think, feel and develop relationships.

We understand that it's a really tough subject and it can be very challenging to start the conversation, but the good news is, Casey Cardinia Libraries is starting the conversation for you and providing a safe and supportive space at Bunjil Place.

Hear from the editor and founder of Parent Guides, Eileen Berry, with special guests from Headspace and PoPsy, as they inform and spark open, honest and meaningful conversations about how to better manage mental health and emotional well-being.  

In the meantime, if you want to speak to someone or are worried about a loved one, please get help:


FREE - Bookings essential